Chinmaya Mission Bhavnagar

Youth Activities

You Chyks are now our only hope. When the younger generation comes to feel inspired by a programme of revival, it gathers momentum and floods the hearts of that generation with a new spirit of courage and goodwill.

Swami Chinmayananda

Activities List

CHYK field trips are some of the most physically adventurous and spiritually uplifting activities, for they promote stimulating teamwork, striking confidence, exceptional leadership and lasting friendships. The trips encourage learning through thrilling adventure sessions so that the youth are able to face their fears and transcend their own limitations.

chyk-tripAs a spiritual seeker, we all want to know more about ourselves, and what better way can there be than going out and trying various activities and sports. Surprisingly, they teach us a lot about our inclinations and temperaments, which give us the stepping stone to finding our swadharma.
More so adventure and extreme sports is a great way to develop a single-pointed mind. Continuous focus on the present with an alert mind, while performing an action in a sport is nothing but a yoga itself. (‘Yogah karmasu kaushalam’ – Gita 11.50).

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