Chinmaya Mission Bhavnagar

The numerous benefits of regular attendance and participation in the Study Group are:

•    Acquisition of a sound knowledge of Vedantic scriptures and Indian culture

•    Progress in clarity of thinking

•    Increase in self-discipline and perseverance

•    Greater strength to face the challenges and vicissitudes of life

•    Self-development and transformation leading to a happier personality

In an atmosphere of satsanga, Chinmaya Study Groups foster and develop love and understanding among members. Members' families also greatly benefit through the aspiring member's value-based living and spiritual practices. By leading an integrated life, they improve society; in turn, healthy societies build wholesome nations and a peaceful world.

"The experience of peace, contentment and equanimity are a testimony of the wonderful power of the class in my own life, and the lives of our families and of other study class members."

- Ramesh Pattni, Study Group Sevak, London

To learn how to organize and conduct a Chinmaya Study Group in your area, contact your nearest Chinmaya Mission centre.

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