"I am waiting for the trained Brahmacharis to come up to give this message. Give them also 30-35 years, so that when I am gone, there will be not one but many more Chinmayanandas coming up, so that work will not stop but continue."
-Swami Chinmayananda
Our Guru Parampara

Adi Shankaracharya established the Dashanami Sannyasa Order, a monastic order with ten lineage names. Of these, Chinmaya
Mission belongs to the lineage and traditions of the ‘Sringeri Matha’ in Karnataka, India. The first acharya of this noble institution was none other than Shri Sureshvaracharya.
In the Sringeri Matha tradition, the Lord is worshipped as Deva in the form of Lord Adi Varaha, and as Devi in the forms of Puri Devi, Bharati Devi, and Kamakshi Devi. The main pilgrimage centre, or dhama, is Rameshvaram and the worshipped holy river, or tirtha, is Tungabhadra.
In this Bhurivara lineage, or sampradaya, the primary Veda is Yajur Veda, which reveals the Mahavakya: “Aham Brahmasmi”. Sannyasis initiated into this lineage are bestowed with the title, or padavi, of “Saraswati” after their name (e.g., Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati).
Chief Acharyas
Swami Tejomayananda

Swami Tejomayananda is the former Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide, a position he held since 1993 after Swami Chinmayananda attained Mahasamadhi. If Swami Chinmayananda served the cause of Vedanta with his service, knowledge and pioneering qualities, Swami Tejomayananda - fondly addressed as Guruji – completed that with his natural attitude of devotion. This is richly and abundantly evident in his talks, his singing, and his demeanour. But the gentleness of devotion arrived riding on the back of a degree in physics. Born, Sudhakar Kaitwade to a Maharashtrian family in Madhya Pradesh, this physicist had a close encounter that changed the velocity, direction and path of his life.
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Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda is the Global Head of Chinmaya Mission. The mantle of this important responsibility draped his shoulders from 19 January 2017, when Swami Tejomayananda passed on the baton to him. He chairs Central Chinmaya Mission Trust (CCMT), the apex governing body of Chinmaya Mission Centres and Trusts the world over. He is the Chancellor of Chinmaya University (Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth) and Chairman of Chinmaya International Residential School in Coimbatore, one of the most well-respected and well-performing residential schools of India. An able administrator and a dynamic leader, his watchful eye and acumen keeps him abreast with developments of any consequence in the over 300 Centres under his guard. Devotion to his Guru, Swami Chinmayananda, and obeisance to his philosophy, guides his decision making and governance.
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Our Acharya

Swami Samaatmanand Saraswati Ji is serving as a acharya of Chinmaya Mission Bhavnagar. In his purvashram (earlier ashram), Swamiji earned degree in Engineering and went to USA. He worked as a Software Engineer in various US firms.
He came in contact with Chinmaya Mission in Chicago. Regular visits to Chinmaya Mission gave exposure to timeless knowledge of Vedanta by attending study group & talks of various Acharyas. An inner calling arose shortly in him, and he felt that his life's purpose was more than just earning the daily bread.
The philosophy of Vedanta intrigued him and a desire to study Indian philosophy drew him further so much so that soon in year 2008 he moved to Bharat and joined the Residential Vedanta Course in Mumbai, under the tutelage of Swami Advaitananda, the Acharya of the 14th Vedanta Course.
On completion of the course, he was given Naishtik Bhrahmacharya Diksha, and was given name Brahmachari Samaatma Chaitanya. He was than posted in Chinmaya Mission Bhavnagar. Ever since then, the activities in Bhavnagar have increased many folds under his able guidance and deep Vedantic knowledge seen in his talks and yajnas.
In year 2024, he was given Sanyas diksha on the auspicious day of Shivratri, having named Swami Samaatmanand Saraswati.
He currently is stationed in the Chinmaya Mission Bhavnagar and daily conducts Satsang and talks on Upanishads and Bhagvad Geeta. He is inspiring figure in CM Bhavnagar for children, youth & adults alike.
Visiting Acharyas
Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda
Pujya Swami Subodhananda
( Senior Acharya – North Zone)
Pujya Swamini Vimalananda
Swamini Mangalananda
(Acharya – Chinmaya Mission Sangli)
Swamini Pramitananda
(Acharya – Chinmaya Mission Surendranagar)