Kids Activities

Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be LIT. The seed of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts, and the conditions made favourable for sprouting and steady growth through proper control and discipline. It must be cared for with the warmth of love and affection, and such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of brotherhood, universal love, peace, bliss, beauty, and Perfection
Swami Chinmayayananda
Activities List
Gita Chanting Competition
‹‹Back to Kids ActivitiesChinmaya Gita Chanting Competition is held every year in Bhavnagar since 2001. Every year one chapter of Srimad Bhagwad Gita is selected and participating children are taught the chapter by trained teachers of Chinmaya Mission. This training process starts in the month of June each year. In the month of septermber preliminary round of competition is held, followed by final competition during October.
Every year thousands of children enthusiastically take part in Gita Chanting Competition. All participating children are given a certificate of participation and a useful gift.
Gita Chanting Competition for adults is also been held by Chinmaya Mission Bhavnagar, in which, students of higher secondary, college and adults take active participation.
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