Kids Activities

Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be LIT. The seed of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts, and the conditions made favourable for sprouting and steady growth through proper control and discipline. It must be cared for with the warmth of love and affection, and such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of brotherhood, universal love, peace, bliss, beauty, and Perfection
Swami Chinmayayananda
Activities List
Kids Activities at Bhavnagar Centre
‘Catch them young’, was Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s advice on imparting values. As Indian kids start imbibing more and more of modern education, the more and more they are moving away from Indian ethical and spiritual value systems. At this juncture, it has become extremely imperative for us to ascertain that the age-old traditions and cultural values are passed on to the new generation and preserved. This needs a new approach, much modern and much more in line with what they learn from their environment, peers and media. Foreseeing this Pujya Gurudev, long back started the Bala Vihar grass root activity for kids. Now there are many many activities and resources for kids which Chinmaya Mission offers apart from regular classes where kids can participate and develop.